Monday, February 10, 2020

Still writing

Watch for the Crow.  New title for next Crowley mystery. I'm working on the new book, and yes life gets in the way sometimes, but I'm loving life, the grandkids, DD, walks, and eventually the new book. I still get down, deeply, but then I work on the second memoir- Arethusa- and I am filled with memories and love. I tend to get philosophical when I think about this new path I am on. I'm on my own for the first time in fifty years. It's different. Dave told me that you can only keep one thought in your head at a time and it might as well be a positive one.  He also told me that I'd be okay.  He was right on both counts. I am okay.

Writing my second memoir, the book Arethusa, gives me great pleasure. It also wrenches my heart because I will have to let it go when it is finished, and then I'll have to find another way to keep the memories alive. I am reluctant to finish it, so I turn to - Watch for the Crow - fantasy in the form of historic murder in our small fishing town at the end of the cape.  Similar to the first two, The Fishermen's Ball, and Dead Low Tide, but different in many ways. I can only hope I'm getting better.

Hope is what is needed in people's lives today. I have hope. I say "there is much to hope for". There are great possibilities. There is infinite knowledge. There are so many good people. There is every thing you could wish for. There is hope for a positive future.  And remember you can only keep one thing in your brain at a time. Store those dark thoughts and find one spark of light, one positive thought, one beam of knowledge. Hope is wedged in-between faith and charity. Now there's a thought to keep in mind.

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