Monday, June 13, 2022

Okay, I admit it. I'm not much of a blogger. And as for tweeting- that's just not my style. I've been trying to figure it out, too much effort for so little results. Subject matter with one sentence is better left to those who know what they are talking about. How can I put my thoughts into one sentence? I can't. I receive a magazine (Writer's Digest) and inside there is usually a photo and you are suppose to explain it in a few sentences. Me? I want to write a novel about it. I'm not a tweeter, a twit, or even a story in six words or less. That's fun. I'm more woman of many words, nice long sentences that take you away to another place and time. The manuscript that I'm working on is currnently at 64000 words and I'm not done yet. The action at the end is fun to write about, but now I'm wondering if I should kill off my hero or just wound him? If I wound him I'll have to take him somewhere new with the next book, but If I kill him off I can begin again in another direction, perhaps with a woman detective, a heroine who can solve the mysteries of life while having a lover? a friend? a family? a dog? Right now I'm at that stage where it can go either way. Remember that wonderful sign on Route 6 as you left Truro and entered Provincetown, it said "Provincetown Either Way" It was so appropriate. It was unique and thought provoking. Well of coarse it's gone. Maybe it was seen as controverial. Either way, I just wonder why it had to go? I diverse: The manuscrip is titled: The Crow - a James Crowley Mystery. I thank all my friends, family and fans for their love and support. I need each of you because writing is so singular. It takes time away from everyone. I'm alone, and it sometimes takes so long to put together that my friends and fans lose interest. Can't say I blame them. Wish I could write faster, more often, and produce a great book. I'll keep trying. Right now I'm trying to put together a web page. Not as easy as you may think especially when your budget is 0. I think I found a way to produce one for little expense. Square Space or Word Press? I'm figuring it out. Okay so now a name: I've got a few ideas, but it's got to be right because it will be around for a long time. How about or or wordslingerdutra@wordpress? Anyone out there with any ideas for a title to a web page? It was suggested to me that I try to raise money for publishing. Maybe I could get some help with the cost of publishing. The last one cost me dearly. I need publicity and PR. but that cost an arm and a leg. Do I use the axiom: it takes money to make money? I fear I don't have the patience to write the extraordiary query letter in order to get an agent. To get noticed you have to be superhuman, or have an MFA in Literature, or be someone famous. I'm just a gal who loves to write. Oh and I will be reading (along with six other wonderful writers) at the Provincetown Portuguese Festival -- Poets and Prose. Friday June 24, 2PM at the Crown and Anchor, on the beach. Sounds like fun. I have written something for the occasion. Hope to see you there. Fair Winds.