We were off to a rough start this June, no squid and a few breakdowns. Exhaust fixed, batteries replaced, nets replaced, doors and wire lost overboard / new doors, but still no squid. And on and on it goes. And yet my optimism prevails. If at first you don't succeed - on to Fluke. A friend of Dave's tells me that when Dave catches a fish, it's a fluke. We take that with a grain of salt, knowing that we'd catch more fish if we were allowed. Just doesn't seem right somehow, working so hard to have more restrictions placed on you, like being held back from the feast, knowing it's there, and others are enjoying it, but we can't have it. "What? They have no bread," she said from her palace with a pension plan, "Well let them eat cake."
Fishermen are curtailed and limited. We, the old timers, long-time fishermen, have given up the most -beginning with our fishing rights. For forty years we have limited our fishing in the name of sustainability, trying to play by Washington's rules and now when we should be reaping the harvest, savoring our rewards for catching less, giving up licenses, reducing our by-catch, fishing for under-utilized species, experimenting with new gear and living by the rules, now when we are in the 'golden years' - we are just about out of business because we are so limited, given an allocation that is laughable, if it weren't so sad, not enough fish to make it profitable. How's that for a government pension plan. I was hoping for better, wishing (rhymes with fishing) that our license would be worth the paper it's written on, wrong again. Seems like not only were we off to a poor start this past spring, but we are finishing dead last. I miss reading Richard Gains' editorials in the Gloucester Daily Times. He knew how to put it into words - the wrongs being perpetuated by people who think they know what's best for us. Like PEW who's acronym means just what it is if you say it out loud. And don't let me go on about some of the other NGO's who's only thought is money. Well thank heavens I will be getting away for a week, fishing from the deck of the Richard & Arnold, I need it, I think I may be coming down with political-itis.
P.S. if you want to read a really terrific review of 'Nautical Twilight' as well as hear wonderful electric violin and MDI music - here is the link http://silzel.com/cgi-bin/weblog.cgi?blogfile=130618
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