I'm about to do the squid dance. I can hardly control the urge to just get up, turn up the volume and let my self go. The squid dance is a tradition at this time of year. It's done with love and passion; hey a good squid year could depend on it. Amen. It takes effort to get to the place where everything alines and squid come for the taking, its one of the joys of spring, like daffodils or the mating calls of birds. The nets have been stretched in the yard and mended. The wires strung out and marked in fathoms, the engine room has been cleaned, my foc'sle is ready and the lazzerette that will hold the boxes are all waiting for me to do my squid dance. I'm hoping for good music, calm seas and enough squid for all.
The Richard & Arnold has received my seal of approval - is now officially a fishing-yacht. It has become more than I could possibly have wanted or dreamed. She can fish - we know that - and now she will keep us dry and comfortable as well. I was just telling Dave I remember a couple of years ago trying to sleep on the bench next to the table - to keep the water from dripping on me - I slept in all my oil-gear. The boat is still the old girl, the same boat we knew and loved, but she now seems to have matured, become more, moving along with the tide and time. It's like giving berth, a new generation - a better life - Get up and dance - a good time will be had by all. We want to keep fishing. The old boat has been dancing over the waves, fishing, doing it 'right' for over 85 years and so - why not us along with her? Next chapter ? who knows - but think, "Sail".
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