Now that spring has arrived the Richard and Arnold is getting ready for squid season and is hauled out of the water for a much needed bottom check-up. I took my grandchildren to watch as the boat was towed up the rail- way, an exciting event especially for a four year old and an eight yr old. It turns out the bottom looks good, especially after the wonderful job that Dickey Crowel did for us three winters ago. So far we see that the propeller is in bad shape. It looks like the tips of the blades have been bitten by sharks, ragged with pieces missing. Could be the electrolysis, zincs are needed. This is a priority - for it needs to be replaced and the one that replaces it has to be the right fit like buying a new pair of shoes, if they don't fit right they'll just hurt. Phone calls to friends, boat yards and marine dealers has been encouraging. Since we can't afford to walk into a shop and order a new one, we have to go searching, hunting for a used one, the right size, shape and weight. We have had to sit out the winter, no fishing. The cuts have hurt us again and this time it's got us thinking about trying to find a way out, we hate the word retire, because its who we are, but as is said, when one door closes another is opened. Our boat has fished for 80+ yrs, the old captain for 40 and this is the second winter he's not been able to go out for ground fish, our allocation being so low that it would't pay the fuel bill. So we'll use up the rest of our savings for the haul-out and a propeller and start again from the beginning. Spring and squid, let's hope they show and that the seals don't eat them all.
I'll make fried squid rings and dip them in something spicy or cool.
About the Richard & Arnold, I hope for the best. There much to be done and this will keep Dave busy in the next few days.
Also my book 'Nautical Twilight' is now a Kindle e-reader. I keep reading bits of it and remembering the glory days of fishing. How things do change.